Think of an app that connects you to your students, lets you share information on any topic, and makes it easier to communicate with your class. It is called Padlet. Padlet is an application to create a virtual wall that you can use it to display information for any topic and where users can express their thought on posts they choose. There are many applications out there like Padlet but the way it is designed and the fact that it organizing anything smoothly make Padlet unique.
Using Padlet is easy and handy since all students can access it for free, no matter what device they have. Students just have to take a device and they can see all the ideas gathered on the teacher board immediately. Besides, students can create a wall themselves and share their ideas, arguments, and videos there.
Padlet can be used for many different purposes. Teachers can create walls to consider student work and give feedback, make announcements about school events, communicate with parents, make their students have fun. In short, By using it, teachers can track their students' process and students can copy any information down without missing any information.
I hope you enjoyed reading. See you next time!